
Linda Lake Books

Do you want to escape into a world that will   captivate you?

            Spend time with characters you really care about?

                     Share triumph and tragedy, laugh and cry with them?

Then you're in the right place.

It's all here for you in this absorbing story, told in four volumes.

When you finish reading, you'll be bereft to have to leave their lives.

We get one chance at life and true love, or do we?

Volume One

Running away from her parents’ staid and boring plans for her life, Maya searches for fulfilment in the theatres of 1970s England. When she meets Simon, a fellow actor, who falls completely in love with her, she thinks he could be the one who can heal a heart wounded by disappointing her remote mother and kind-hearted but floundering father.

But, immersed in her new life, she’s unsure of what she’s really looking for until tragedy changes everything.

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Volume Two

Although doing what is expected of him in terms of marriage and the rearing of his daughters, Simon cannot let go of his past love. Neither can her extended family, and an aunt fuels Simon’s obsession with talk of the return of his beloved. Is clinging to this hope saving or sacrificing his sanity?

Surely, it’s nothing more than an old lady’s fantasy, isn’t it…?

(Volume Two picks up right where the story left off at the end of Volume One.)

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Volume Three

Simon is delighted that everything seems to be reinforcing his belief about his beloved’s return. Meanwhile, he tries to be a good husband, kind father, and indulgent surrogate parent to his enchanting niece, sent to live with him and his family while her parents attempt to come to terms with a terrible loss. Life revolves around him until tragedy strikes again at the heart of their lives. 

(Volume Three picks up right where the story left off at the end of Volume Two).

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Volume Four

Simon’s long-held dream is realised, and he is deliriously happy in his relationship. It has divided the extended family, but he can deal with any censure now that his beloved has returned. Yet his explosive secret only stays that way while everyone agrees to keep it, and Simon’s obsession has hurt too many people for them all to stay tight-lipped.

Who will betray him?

With a storm of heartbreaking events encircling them all, who will survive?

(Volume Four picks up right where the story left off at the end of Volume Three).

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This four-volume novel is lovingly dedicated to my husband, Chris, for his unwavering belief in me, to my children and grandchildren, and in loving memory of Pat and John.

Also to my sister, Gill, and my friend, Sue, with a special Thank You for their steadfast support.


To Karen Guyler, Author, without whose brilliant assistance and kindly encouragement this dream could never have come to fruition.

To Bailey McGinn, Artist, for her beautiful cover illustrations and wonderfully creative and imaginative suggestions.

To the Literary Trustees of Walter de la Mare and The Society of Authors as their Representative for their gracious approval of the use of “Off the Ground”.

And, although long gone, to Federico Garcia Lorca for extracts from “Blood Wedding”, to Oscar Wilde for extracts from “Salome” and to The Bard for extracts from “The Tempest”.

To Donald MacDonald, the best Teacher of English Language & Literature who ever walked the planet.

And to Alice for always remaining in Wonderland.

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